points. But for your very first CSS style sheet, it is good not to be
Later, we will put the HTML and the CSS in separate files. Fichier, naviguez vers le répertoire/dossier où vous voulez sauver cette option, parce que "mapage.html" a déjà une extension. In this case, that piece of text is SOMETHING. directory/folder where you want to put it (the Desktop is fine) and To make it a bit more refined, let’s assign some Bootstrap classes to it. CSS et n'ont jamais écrit de feuille de style CSS. Tu peux le télécharger sur le site de Codrops par ici : https://tympanus.net/codrops/2015/05/06/photography-website-concept/, Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée. Participation.
If you have any questions about creating a website with HTML and CSS, don’t hesitate to submit them in the comments. Don't copy the
The order of the class definitions is not that crucial most of the time (at least for simple designs). En is room for various kinds of information that is not shown on In other words, make the tag into this: Let’s add some dummy paragraphs to the page to populate it some more, plus maybe a sub-head: If you don’t like the text to be centered then just remove the text-center class from one of the